Sushmin Kids

Montessori Way of Learning

Many are unaware of the fact that Montessori education can extend beyond the pre primary years of a child's life. A good Montessori school can do wonders in creating a strong foundation and a lifelong love learning in children. Montessori is the education of the whole child including physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and social ways of being. It is a child centred environment where children are given freedom to choose work based on their development needs and interests.


The activities in Montessori maths are all ordered from simple to complex,and concrete to abstract. Montessori maths will develop the child's math skills and make learning maths intresting, and something they want to do. Through Montessori maths, the child develops concepts, such as place value, numeration, fractions and simple operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.


The Sensorial activities in Montessori help to develop the child's five senses:Seeing, Hearing, Touching,Tasting,and Smelling. The purpose of the Sensorial materials is to aid the child in refining the child's pitch, temperature, and weight and is utilising language in describing these qualities. These materials are an integral part of developing the whole child- directly building the "mathematical mind" and. Indirectly preparing for writing.


The activities in Montessori Practical Life helps the child to becomes more independent and to gain life skills. Montessori Practical Life is perfect for both teachers in the Montessori classroom, and parents at home.


The development of language in the child begins from birth. The child absorbs language from whichever environment he is in.In the Language area of a Montessori classroom, the specially equipped Montessori materials help the child to further his language learning and development.

Snaps from our class

Deeply involved the activity

Learning Continents playfully

Day to day activities learning with ease

Helps child to develop patience

Continuous work leads to perfection

Busy counting numbers